Everything about Nephrolepis Exaltata
Ficus Nitida
Lantana is considered one of the most famous plants used in landscaping, not only in Egypt but also in the Mediterranean region. It can be used as a shrub, and this applies to one of its types, which is called Lantana camara, or as a groundcover, such as Lantana camara nana, or what is called creeping lantana. Lantana is a genus of flowering plants that belongs to family Verbenaceae.
Lantana Coordination value:
It is considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, famous for the beauty of its colorful flowers, which range from red, orange, pink, to yellow, all the way to white. It is indispensable in landscape projects, as it adds a beautiful touch to garden landscaping, not only because of its colorful flowers, but because of its multiple uses, as it can be used as a flowering plant as a second row under trees. Or it is planted on both sides of paths in gardens as hedges, and it can be used as potted plants. As for creeping lantana, it is planted under palm trees or trees to cover the soil and give an aesthetic appearance.
Lantana Environmental needs:
Light: Lantana is a sun-loving plant that requires exposure to light at least 6-8 hours a day. Lantana can tolerate light shade, but this affects its flowers.
Irrigation: It is watered daily in the summer and less frequently in the winter.
Fertilization: Lantana needs regular attention and balanced nutrition to promote its growth and flowering. Organic fertilizers or common fertilizers can be used with caution to meet their nutritional needs
Pruning: It can be pruned during the fall before winter sets in to encourage flowering. Lantana’s adaptability, vibrant colors, and low maintenance make it a valuable asset in Egyptian landscapes. By following proper care practices and incorporating creative design ideas, enthusiasts can enjoy the beauty and charm that lantana brings to gardens and outdoor spaces throughout Egypt.